We are old friends from highschool who decided to do something good for others.
We were inspired by a TED Talk made by Robert Waldiger: "What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness", performed by Harvard University.
Harvard has been extensively following, studying and collecting data on over 700 men since the 1930`s. Following Harvard sophomores and inner city children throughout their lives has provided insight into what keeps people happy and healthy. Over 90 of the men are still alive today and still actively participating in the study.
The clearest message that they get from this over 75 year study is this:
Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.
The conclusion sounds obvious but when we looked at our busy lives we realized that we forget about this and focus on things that are irrelevant and probably don`t provide any good to our lives.
So we looked for something that will help us focus more on our relationships. Firstly we checked Facebook, the most popular social media tool available on the market. But it doesn`t solve the problem. You can`t build meaningful relationships with couple hundreds people. We needed something dedicated to the small group of people you want to confide in, share secrets and emotions. We looked further but we couldn`t find anything like that on the market.
That`s how the project started. We decided to build our own tool which will help us make our lives better by improving our relationships. We hope that you will find this helpful too.